Our practices
By ensuring predictability and a secure environment, we will help you tackle any growing business and legal challenges.

Why Vatev & Partners?
Our values are the foundation on which we build long-term partnerships and earn trust. They are not just principles - they are our promise to you.
Personal responsibility to the client
We treat every problem as our own because we believe that finding effective solutions is not just about doing our jobs, but should be based on empathy and openness to your needs. This not only improves the quality of legal advice - it is the key to building loyalty.
In-depth knowledge and extensive expertise
The experience we have gained over the years and our high level of expertise in various areas of law allow us to provide a comprehensive and flexible approach to achieve our objectives. Due to the long-standing legal practice of our team, we react with confidence to the dynamic regulatory environment.
A continual aspiration to grow
We are aware that the development of law in a globalizing and digitalizing economy opens new perspectives for businesses and citizens, which requires us to improve and constantly expand our knowledge. We strive to create a community that makes us good professionals.
Teamwork and mutual respect
Established partnerships and excellent communication in the work of the team ensure the success of the different stages in the implementation of the commitments. At the same time, a strong team culture not only fuels our creativity but also helps us better understand your needs.
Recent publications
Up-to-date and useful information on a range of legal topics in which you may be interested. We share all new developments in the legal framework, as well as analyses summarizing the case law on the application of Bulgarian and EU law.
Основните изисквания, на които трябва да отговаря всеки административен акт...
Търсещите убежище и закрила не напускат своята страна доброволно поради...
Заповедта за изпълнение се издава от съда по искане на...
В исторически план предприемачите са предпочитали да упражняват търговска дейност...
Do you need legal assistance?
We have а solution tailored to your specific needs.
Request a consultation
Describe your case to get an initial consultation. We will contact you at the earliest opportunity after you have submitted your enquiry. Pursuant to Article 9 and Article 45 of the Bar Act, as well as Article 5 of the Bar Code of Ethics, the protection of professional secrecy is our primary and paramount sworn duty.