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Contract law

The practice of the Law Firm "Vatev & Partners" in the field of the law of obligations and contractual relations offers legal assistance and assistance in the conclusion, amendment, termination, cancellation of various types of contracts, as well as the performance, non-performance, transfer and repayment of the arising rights and obligations.

A bond is a legal relationship between two persons whereby one party, called the creditor, has the right to demand from the other party, called the debtor, certain conduct (act or omission) or a certain result. These legal relations may arise not only from the agreed will of the parties, i.e. from the conclusion of a contract or from another legal transaction, but their source may be non-contractual grounds in which the legal consequences arise independently of the will of the parties, but only when the factual composition provided for in the law is fulfilled, such as: unjust enrichment, tort, conducting another's business without authority, etc.

Of particular importance in the area of contractual relations between natural and legal persons is the principle that the parties have a wide freedom of contract. This means that they have the possibility to determine the content of the contract as long as it does not contradict mandatory legal norms and good morals. Freedom of contract allows contracts to contain any terms permitted by law, but they often contain unlawful and unfair terms that prejudice the rights and interests of one of the parties. These clauses, although voluntarily accepted, can be challenged in court.

We at the team at Vatev & Partners Law Firm know that each contract has its own specific features, and the timely and professional protection of the interests of the parties requires a high degree of preparation in this area of law.

The leading services we provide in contract law are:

  • Advising on the legality of clauses in a contract;
  • Advising on the conclusion, interpretation, performance and non-performance of contracts, as well as drafting various types of contracts - contracts for the purchase and sale of movable and immovable property, lease, loan, lease, workmanship, order, donation and transfer of immovable property against the obligation for maintenance and care, establishment of pledge, mortgage and surety, transfer of claims (assignment), commercial contracts and others;
  • Preparation of notarial deeds, powers of attorney, applications, requests, agreements and settlements;
  • Advising on and bringing actions to declare a contract void;
  • Advising and bringing actions to avoid contracts made by incompetents or made under mistake, fraud, intimidation or extreme necessity;
  • Representation and defence in disputes relating to the performance of contracts before all courts;
  • Claiming damages and penalties in cases of breach of contract;
  • Assistance in termination and cancellation of contracts in court and out of court;
  • Representation and defence in lawsuits for unjust enrichment and tort;
  • Advising and pursuing claims for unpaid rent;
  • Advising on and bringing actions to declare a preliminary contract final;
  • Consultations, assistance and legal representation in claims for declaring a debtor's actions invalid against his creditor (Pavlov claim).

Areas of practice

  • Commercial law
  • Debt collection
  • Compensation for damages
  • Contract law
  • Labour migration
  • EU Blue Card
  • European law
  • Protection of borrowers
  • Enforcement proceedings
  • Family Law
  • Administrative law
  • Legal representation

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